August 18, 2013

Recap of the Week–August 12–18 2013

This past week has been a busy one and very tiring. I turned forty-five on Wednesday and with all my birthdays, since number twenty-eight, my body has seen fit to give me gifts of aches and pains. This one was no different.

I spent Wednesday evening with my wife’s family for dinner and then left the Kid with them for a prolonged weekend stay. I had planned to use that time without her to work on more projects and hit some events, including Taffeta Darling’s birthday fling, but that was not to be.

Ian Somerhalder at Vampire Diaries Convention by Katina KingThursday had me up early helping a friend of mine with her internet problem, namely letting her come over to my house so that she could use my internet. One of the problems working from home is that the ‘net can’t go down, and if it does, the employer expects you to bend over backwards to find a solution.

It turned out to be a great day, because when she wasn’t actually working, we, including her son who came along, discussed the latest movies, tv shows, the upcoming Vampire Diaries convention which I did not cover and I apologize, and many other things.

That night I had overzealously double-booked a Rifftrax event and Taff’s Birthday party. I figured I could do both, even with only four hours of sleep the night before, so off I went. Les, from The Fellowship of the Geeks,  and I hit the Cinemark Legacy in Plano to watch the Fathom Events presentation of Starship Troopers with the guys from Rifftrax tearing into it. It was an awesome show and my stomach is still sore from all the belly-laughing and giggling.

The show was over by nine, but the lack of sleep and the fact that I turned forty-five caught up with me and I decided to head home instead of downtown. I figured that Taffeta was in good company and would still have a great party without me, though I would like to think that she did miss the geeky old man a little.

Friday morning put us at the AMC Firewheel 18 in Garland for Kick-Ass 2. When I woke up that morning, I felt like I DID go and hang out with Taffeta and her friends. Don’t know why I was feeling that way, but I ended up leaving my wallet at home. Thankfully, I had the AMC Stubs app and Fandango on my Droid. Stubs app for my Stubs card which gets me discounts at the snack counter, and the Fandango app let me buy tickets over my phone with Paypal. Morning saved and technology is awesome! Kick-Ass 2 was a great movie and I’ll have a review later for it.

IMG_2024Saturday was another full day with I Missed Comic-Con at Zeus Comics and our SciFi Club meeting that night. I Missed Comic Con was put together by Mark Walters of and Richard and the crew from Zeus Comics and it was tons of fun. Free giveaways of posters, bandanas, t-shirts, pens, and other assorted movie promos were for the grabbing. A representative from the PR firm for Your Next was on hand with posters and animal masks. Creepy animal masks. The big draw for the event were the artists on hand. Lots of great art, and running with my friend Tom Branch that I hadn’t seen in awhile were reasons that I was glad that I went.

Later that evening, several of us met up at Comic Book Craze for our monthly DFW Scifi Club. We meet once a month to discuss movies, books, comics, and other assorted topics and I live for this meeting. I don’t think there are many things better than sitting around discussing your favorite things with friends. We talked of movies, but also, the conventions that are coming up and a little bit about panels that we would like to see at some of the cons.

As I said at the beginning, a very tiring week, but lots of fun. What are some of the events or things you like to do to satisfy your geek cravings? I’d love to hear about it and maybe discuss it here. Do you belong to any clubs or meetup groups? Let me know what you and your friends are doing!

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