July 18, 2011

Studio Movie Grill offers up some great viewing options

If you’ve never been to a Studio Movie Grill or a theater like it, then you need to crawl out from under that rock. The concept is to offer food and drink while you watch your movie and now Studio Movie Grill is offering up some great options for your viewing pleasure.

One of the first things you need to do is to join their email list because sometimes these things are not offered on the website. They are pretty good about sending about one a week, so it doesn’t flood your inbox.

Transformers-3-Poster-1024x768One of the first offers that I saw in my email this week is a code for a $6.25 ticket to see Transformers: Dark of the Moon plus a free soda. And sodas get free refills! If you opt for the 3-D ticket there will be an upcharge but I’m not sure how much. If Michael Bay ‘splosions in your face are your thing then 3-D it up! Oh, and if you’ve got friends, I think your able to print out more than one but there is a special way of doing it so that you get a unique barcode each time. Just read the instructions on the coupon. I’m not sure how long the promotion is going on, but the link still works.

GooniesNext goodie from the email is the SMG with a Twist night. July 21st for only a dollar . . . wait for it . . .  wait for it . . . . GOONIES! Okay, so I’m a big kid, but this movie is awesome and I love it and I get to see it on the big screen AGAIN and for only a dollar! See Samwise Gamgee and Jonah Hex as brothers! Did I mention that it was only a dollar! And you’ll still be out in time to stand in line for the midnight showing of Captain America!

And last, but not least, and this is not in this week’s email, FUNimation hosts an anime viewing every second Tuesday of the month. Best of all is that it’s free! That’s right, free. BUT, you do have to RSVP through their Meetup.com account. You can find that here and register for the next showing on August 9th. You can enjoy episodes 1-4 of BAKA & TEST – SUMMON THE BEASTS.

Baka & Test - Summon the Beasts

July 12, 2011

Of Dyson Spheres and refueling dying suns with wormholes

Friday night was our monthly book club meeting in Lewisville and oh, the many topics we tossed about! This month we met to discuss Alastair Reynolds’ novel, House of Suns. As usual, I was a little behind on my reading and so had only finished about a third of the book. Thankfully, I was not the only one, but we had fun discussing what we had read so far.

This is a great read and Alastair Reynolds is a forward thinking writer. One of the ideas in use is the idea that a person will be able to create their own clone and then pass their memories on to the new one, thus making themselves immortal. Thus, “you” can essentially cross hundreds of thousands of light-years and have all the experiences that you attain in that travel.

Refueling a dying sun by funneling in more fuel through a wormhole is a unique use of said hole. Always knew that a wormhole could be used to transport all kinds of things, just never thought of doing that. And the use of Dyson spheres is really really cool, but you’ll have to read the book to find out why.

Below is a video that describes an alternative to cold fusion that is more efficient and practical than what they’ve been trying in research. Yes, we discussed this, too. What? TOO geeky for ya? Come join us next month when we’ll be discussing Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris. A little steampunk ought to ease the mental strain. Book trailer is below the fusion video.

Focus Fusion


Phoenix Rising by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris

July 4, 2011

Lewisville SciFi Book Club will discuss Alastair Reynolds ‘House of Suns’

If you are available this Friday night, June 8th, the Lewisville SciFi Book Club will meet at the IHOP at I-35 and Round Grove Rd. to discuss the 2008 Alastair Reynolds novel House of Suns. Even if you haven’t read it in a while or are a few pages shy of finishing it, come on in for a great discussion. The group usually starts about 7:30pm but show up early if you like to get some food ordered. We’ll be in the back room, the hostess will know where. The IHOP is located at 2345 S. Stemmons Expressway along the service road on the north side of the highway. Hope to see you there!

Alastair Reynolds House of Suns