The online box office closes tonight at midnight central time, so if you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, you better get on it! This is shaping up to be a pretty big show. Yes, we lost Sylvester McCoy to a bigger engagement and that does hurt, but just the shear number of events going on makes up for it, to me.
Straight from the news blog at the All-Con, you’ve got the 501st Charity Drive, Swap Meet, crafting sessions, a drawing class presented by Terry Naughton of Disney, an art show/art auction, Rocky Horror, Ms. Star Wars costume contest, Super Hero Sunday, Top Zombie, the world-premiere of the complete Pink Five saga, and yes, even more!
Oh, and there will be celebrities. Katy Coleman, who played Holly Marshall on Land of the Lost, was the first guest announced here. Marilyn Ghigliotti of CLERKS and ALIEN ARMAGEDDON will be greeting and signing, as well as, Camden Toy, Tim Taylor, Trey Stokes, Stephen Stanton, Rick Fitts, Michael Gregory, and many more.
This is one of those cons where you will have to master your time very well or you could end up missing out on something. So, have you got your tickets yet? Going? Why not? Send pictures!
A Galaxy Called Dallas at All-Con 2009 – the show that spawned this website.
All-Con 2013