Due to a death in the family, this will be just a quick blurb. Armadillocon 33 will be this weekend, August 26 – 28, in Austin Texas. Check it, lots of great authors including some of my local favorites and Bruce Sterling. Check it out at Armadillocon 33!
August 25, 2011
August 21, 2011
Bad movies or just not great movies
I'm testing my phone app to see how easy it is to post. So far, the only drawback is that my carpal tunnel kicks in way too soon.
Big question! Friends have told me to stay away from Conan on the big screen. Is it that bad or just a good movie that failed the hype? Give your opinions for a follow up post next week.
August 9, 2011
Cowboys and Aliens and Aurora Texas!
First order of business is the Lewisville Book Club meeting this Friday night, August 12th, at the IHOP. Kick-off is at 7:30 P.M. and we will be discussing Phoenix Rising by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris. Excellent book! I’ll try to find time to review it. This is the first book that I’ve actually finished on time for the meeting, so that’s a testament to how much I enjoyed it. See this previous post for the book trailer.
So, following our last book discussion we were talking movies. Cowboys and Aliens came up and no, I haven’t seen it yet, but plan on going. I wondered out loud where the guy came up with the idea for the comic on which the movie is based when I remembered a story in the news about an alien crash here in Texas. Doing a little research, I found that we were only 40 miles from where it supposedly happened.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find the video below before we went, so we may be making a return trip. I want to find that well and that tree. Here’s a link to the photos that we took. No evidence of extraterrestrial life but maybe on the next visit. You can also see Aurora in season 3 episode 1 of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel.
If you happen to make the trip out there be sure to have an appetite. There is a little restaurant called Tater Junction and they have got some of the best home cooking you’ll ever get this side of your grandma. The ladies there are the sweetest things and love to converse with the customers.
You’ll also find the DNAlien series of novels by Jim West at the register. Mr. West is a native of Texas and has written a story of a government-grown alien on the run. Using the local area as setting, it sounds like a good read and I will eventually get to it as soon as I knock my stack down a little more. If anyone has read it, shoot me a review and give me your take on it.
Has anyone been to Aurora before and if so, what did you find? Is there life out there? Let me know what you think!