Be sure and check out Mythcon this weekend at the Crown Plaza Suites in Dallas. The theme to this years meet is “Their main guests-of-honor will be Tim Powers and Janet Brennan Croft.
Mythcon is usually held in different locales from year to year and is a production of the Mythopoeic Society.
The Mythopoeic Society is an international literary and educationalThis year’s theme is “War in Heaven” and will center around topics dealing with such and also falls on the 80th anniversary of the publication of Charles Williams’ book, ‘War in Heaven.’
organization devoted to the study, discussion, and enjoyment of the works of
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and mythopoeic literature. We
believe the study of these writers can lead to greater understanding and
appreciation of the literary, philosophical, and spiritual traditions which
underlie their works, and can engender an interest in the study of myth,
legend, and the genre of fantasy. Find out about the Society’s activities at:
As for the folks that will be guests, I’ve read Tim Powers’ novel, The Anubis Gates, and loved it. I was also excited to find that the new ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movie will be an adaptation of his ‘On Stranger Tides.’ Mrs. Croft I’m not familiar with but may have to search out some of her articles. Their is also a list of others attending, one of which is local A. Lee Martinez. His novel, ‘Gil’s All-Fright Diner is in works with Dreamworks. Author Michelle Weston and Denise Roper will be there also speaking on panels and signing books.
If you get a chance to go (I’m working) let me know what you thought about it.
Mythcon 41
Tim Powers
Janet Brennan Croft
A. Lee Martinez
Michelle Weston
Denise Roper