Busy weekend out there for a lot of folks and neither event is a youngster!
A-Kon is legally able to drink now and I have a feeling it’s gonna tie one on this time around. If I were going, I would have to say that I would be looking forward to the costumes. I’m not much of an anime guy, though I loved Robotech back in the day. Of course, Robotech is celebrating 25 years this year so it’s still out there and going strong. I’ve always liked watching how people really get into their characters and take fandom to that next level. If you get any good photos, shoot me links or send me a few and I’ll post here.
I would also like to see Abney Park on Saturday night. I love the steampunk genre and love their music. They’ve been to Dallas before so I may just have to make plans to catch them on their next tour.
It was brought to my attention that local artist James Valle and Annette Vu will have a table showcasing some of their artwork. Check out his link below and tell them hi!
Another great event this week is the Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games. Got a chance to go last year and enjoyed it very much. Lots of vendors and if you’re old enough they have a really cool whiskey tasting. I’m not big into whiskeys, but found a few that were palatable (big word for taste good).
So, there isn’t any reason to not get out and have a good time this weekend, if you can stand the heat.
Photos from A-KON 21
Thank you for posting these. I've added these to the next post. And feel free to send me more. Anybody else have photos they'd like to share?