Congratulations, Graduates of 2015!
What next?!?
By now, most ceremonies are over with or are soon to be over with and those of you who are graduating will face the next question of adulthood; do I put away those things of my childhood or do I embrace them? Ha! I'm a 46 year old kid and I love it! Granted, I let go of a lot things when I joined the Navy right out of high school, and, boy, do I regret it. The loss of things, not the Navy. I've played catch up since then and I'm pretty happy. Now, I'm talking a little bit about collecting things, but I'm also talking about habits that make us happy, too. We can be adults and still wear our silly hats. We can still have kids and buy a house and dress strange on the weekends. We're geeks! So, as you go forth to find your fame and fortune, don't forget what makes you happy!
Graduate Sale!
All of this week will be our Graduation Sale! I began with just a sale for High School Graduates but then I realized that there were pre-K and Kindergarten grads and GED grads and Trade School grads and grads of programs we didn't even know about. So, then I turned into Oprah and not just you, but you and you and you get a 20% discount on your entire purchase this week. This sale will run through Saturday June 13, 2015. |
New Event!
We would like to invite everyone out tonight for our Previews Party! It's a new once a month meeting to let you wander through the catalogs and give us ideas on what you would like to see in the shop. Most folks aren't aware at how many items are offered up every month in the Previews Catalog and we are looking for feedback on what you might like to see in the shop.
So come join us, eat some pizza, drink some drinks and tell us your deepest desires . . . . .
Game Times
Wednesday Night D&D Encounters start at 6:00 PM
Friday Night Magic starts at 7:00 PM
Heroclix starts June 12 at 8:00 PM
Saturday Force of Will starts at 2:00 PM
General gameplay is anytime the store is open.
Goto our Facebook Events for more info! |
Be sure and get your orders to us by close of business Thursday, June 25, 2015. Copies of Previews are at the store and are free while they last!
Remember that if you place an order for something out of the Previews Catalog, we give you a great discount. Just email, call, or message us and we'll give you the details. |