September 24, 2010

M. B. Weston signs books from her series, 'The Elysian Chronicles'

If you've been to the Lewisville Borders Books in the last 3 months then you've probably met Michelle Weston. I can't remember how I came across her name but I do remember that I was following her on Twitter. One evening, she tweeted that she needed one more fan to hit 1,000. I jumped on it and tweeted back, jokingly of course, "What do I win?" Even though I declined, she sent me a book anyway and well, we've been friends ever since.

Borders Books brought her in to do a six-week writers workshop which turned out very well. So well, that she came back and did a one-shot for fantasy writers and now she's back in to sign books from her series, 'The Elysian Chronicles'. I have to admit that I didn't read the first book until about a month ago, but I was very impressed. I'll write an actual review later. Suffice it to say, that it's a wonderful read and you should come in and get a copy! You won't be dissappointed!

She will be signing books from 2pm til 4pm at the Lewisville Borders at the corner of Round Grove and I-35. Click here for a map and more events.

1 comment:

  1. We love MBWeston AND her books! You are blessed to have her so close by!


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