I happened to be out running errands the other day when I decided to run through this little shopping center that used to house a comic book shop and a used book store. The comic/game shop had changed names once before going under and it may have been more before I came along, but I was sad to see both disappear. Every once in a while I would drive through hoping that someone would give it another go and Friday it looked like someone had.
Terry Black moved in and opened about six weeks ago. Though the sign says comics, like all comics stores out there, he does carry games. He has the basic RPGs like D&D 4E and Pathfinder, but his main crowd is Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon! and Yugi-oh! He is definitely interested in building an RPG crowd, maybe doing a Wednesday Night Encounters group, but so far, no dice. No pun intended . . . well, okay a little. If you are an experienced DM and would like to run some games, it wouldn’t hurt to check him out.
It would seem that I wasn’t the only one to find him. Check out this article by Lewisville Public Library Roleplaying. If you do decide to go in, be sure and bring this coupon and get some change knocked off your purchase. Oh, and be sure to tell him you read about it here!
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