If you would like to pre-order, we need your info by close of business (10pm) Saturday, August 15th. Remember, if you PRE-PAY, then you get to take 20% off of the price of your purchase.
Marvel HeroClix: The Mighty Thor Starter Set 08/30/2017
Marvel HeroClix: Merc Jet Colossal Organized Play Kit 08/16/2017
Marvel HeroClix: The Mighty Thor Dice and Token Pack 08/30/2017
DC Comics HeroClix: Titano Prime Earth Colossal OP Kit 08/2017
WizKids HeroClix: Undead 24 Ct. Gravity Feed 08/30/2017
Marvel HeroClix: The Mighty Thor Booster Brick 08/30/2017
Marvel HeroClix: The Mighty Thor Release Day OP Kit 08/30/2017
Marvel HeroClix: What If? X-Men Monthly OP Kit 08/2017
Marvel Dice Masters: Guardians of the Galaxy Gift With Purchase 08/30/2017
Marvel Dice Masters: Spider-Man Maximum Carnage Team Pack 08/23/2017
Marvel Dice Masters: Guardians of the Galaxy 90 Ct. Gravity Feed 08/30/2017
For info on prices please call us at 972-530-2600.