Well, this year has just flown by us and we get to contemplate what to do with the next one. I had expected to be working at a TV or radio station by this point, yet I’m working at a book store and waiting on the arrival of our first child.
Just a short 365 days ago, I said bye to a friend on his last night in Dallas. He packed up his family and headed to Iowa. He says that he can see Kirk’s future house from his. That was also my last day at a job that I decided to leave so that I could try a career in TV/radio broadcast. For those that don’t know, I was a club DJ for a long time, but have some skills in voice-over, editing and camera work. Not a lot, but enough that it wouldn’t be hard to get my foot in the door somewhere.
First week of March I got a letter that the school had got my loan disbursement and then five days later, got a call from my wife to turn on the news. My school, all 26 locations in the US, had been shut down by their bank. Hence, the career change.
About a week later, I decided that we were gonna go out and do something fun. Didn’t know what, but as I was looking, I found out that All-Con was that weekend. I went and had a blast and decided that I was going to get back into all my old passions and get back to being a big geek! For years, I had catered to others as a DJ and that basically burned me out on music. I love music but not with a passion as I once did.
That’s how this website got started really. I didn’t know that All-Con was going on until the day of and I didn’t want to miss out on anything else. So, I put this site up to keep tabs on events around the DFW area. Anything that was geeky-nerdy-sci-fi-fantasy goodness.
Now that I’ve got a job (that I really love) I’ve had to ration my time on the blog. I’m still slowly building my network. I’m a firm believer that their is always something going on in the area, you just have to look to find it and hopefully, eventually, this will be the only place you have to look. If you’ve been reading over the months or if this is the first time you’ve stopped in, thank you. If you’ve told a friend, thank you. I’m not out to make money with this site. Although, a little scratch here and there does make it easier to keep up. I just like the thought of a community of people who love the same things being able to get together and talk about it and brag about it and show it off. Thanks, and here’s to a Happy New Year!
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