Mark your calendar for April 24th and 25th because the ‘Big Show’ is back! Well, I’ve never been, but I’ve heard great things about it and this will be my first year, so then I can say that it’s the ‘Big Show’!
Doors open Saturday at 11am and stay that way until 6pm and Sunday is noon to 4pm. General admission is $15 and kids under 10 are free which makes it great for families. Throw free parking on top and it can’t be beat for the entertainment value, especially when you see who is going to be there.
Guest will include (brace yourself) Adam Baldwin (Jane Cobb of Firefly and Col. John Casey on Chuck), Bruce Boxleitner (Tron, Tron 2.0, and Babylon 5), Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica – old and new), Kate Vernon (new Battlestar Galactica), Deep Roy (Charlie & the Choc. Factory, Transformers 2, Star Trek), Mira Furlan (crazy French lady from Lost and Babylon 5) and many, many more!
Local comic artist Brian Denham will be in attendance (check out his latest cover for Time Lincoln – review to come soon) as well as James O’Barr, Keith Wilson, Ben Dunn and many others. Check out the link below to see the full guest list.
I’m really excited to meet Adam Baldwin as my wife and I are both big fans of Jane and Casey on Chuck! I can’t help but wonder if he’s being typecast though as he tends to play gruff guys with big hearts and even bigger guns. Anybody agree? Not that I don’t like those characters. And I’m definitely taking my Time Lincoln comic to get signed by Brian Denham. I’m not a comic connoisseur or anything but I do know that I like his work and will pass over other bigger names because his stuff appeals to me more.
Tell me, people, who are you looking forward to meeting? Who have you met in the past that really made your year? and send me a picture so I can post it here!
Sci-fi Expo
MovieGeekFeed post on Sci-fi Expo
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