March 1, 2010

Getting to know Mr. Gaiman

neil_gaiman I happened to be cruising twitter the other day and Neil Gaiman himself threw a tweet out pointing to a post from the fine folks over at Geeks of Doom. Published in 2008, this short work is still pretty good for people who have never read Gaiman and don’t know where to start.

I myself read his ‘American Gods’ and ‘Coraline’ before picking up the “Sandman Vol. 1”. Loved all of them and look forward to reading more. The link below will send you to a wiki that is very comprehensive but doesn’t include one of his latest children’s books, ‘Odd and the Frost Giants.’ I’ve read a preview chapter on that and it’s pretty cool. May pick that one up real soon.
What Gaiman books have you read and did you enjoy them? If not, why?

Neil Gaiman’s Body of Works

On a personal note: I saw on his blog where he did a reading in Tuscaloosa, Ala. I missed that reading by about 24 hours as we had to drive through there on our way to Georgia to introduce the baby girl to her great grandparents. Man, what a difference a day makes. I would have definitely stopped overnight to see that. But according to his site, those tickets sold out in 2 minutes.

UPDATE:  I came across this post in my wanderings and wanted to add it also. Check out J. T. Oldfield's Blog and let him know what you think!


  1. Hey, thanks for the link! (I'm actually female though ;) )

  2. I apologized to J. T. through email, for anyone who thought I ignored her. If you get a chance, check out her website!


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