Hopefully you were able to make it out to the Studio Movie Grill Spring Valley location back on July 1st to view the first episode of RED DWARF SEASON X. Local public television station KERA has gotten permission to run it making us a test market for the rest of the country. Bill Young, VP of Programming at KERA was in attendance and brought along this special message from Kryten, the Red Dwarf mechanoid.
Upon viewing that, we were entertained by the first episode, “Trojan.” After busting a gut for about a half hour, we were allowed to ask questions of Bill about upcoming and axed TV shows and, of course, what’s with all the pledge drives.
When it was all over, we got to talk to Bill face-to-face. Very nice guy and very knowledgeable. Be sure and check out his website below on British media, TellySpotting!
This was as good as it gets with my phone.
There were more than a few questions about pledge drives. Here’s the thing folks, KERA is a not-for-profit educational organization that is paid for by soliciting donations from individuals and foundations. You know how we hear that the top 1% of taxpayers will pay almost 30% of the tax burden? Well, it’s almost the same thing with people who donate to KERA. I can’t remember the actual total, but around one in thirty viewers actually foots the bill for about 60% of the budget. Imagine how much better KERA could be if they had money for improvements or to pay for more syndication? Plus, think about this. I’ve cut out my cable here at the house. I use Netflix, Google, Amazon Prime, etc. I can buy a season of my favorite show on Google for anywhere between $15 and $20. Why can’t I donate that money to KERA to say thank you for shows like RED DWARF, DOWNTON ABBEY, and SHERLOCK? Did you know that if they hadn’t shown MONTY PYTHON for the first time in the States back in 1974, we might not be quoting so much at the D&D tables!?! Show some support out there!
You can watch Red Dwarf on KERA Saturday nights 10 PM central time.
Tellyspotting – Your Brit TV Pub
Free Preview Screening of RED DWARD X – original event post
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